林枫,男,副教授。生于1985年4月,山东菏泽人。于2010年获得欧盟Erasmus Mundus全额奖学金赴比利时安特卫普大学攻读博士学位。2015年2月博士毕业后曾就职于巴斯夫催化剂(上海)有限公司,担任高级工程师,负责国五、国六平台下汽车尾气处理催化剂的研发以及生产工艺优化。2016年9月加入菏泽学院化学化工学院。
发表SCI论文近20篇,受邀国际会议口头报告3次,曾获国家留学基金委 “2014年度优秀留学生奖学金”、菏泽优秀自然科学成果奖二等奖、优秀共产党员等。
1. Feng Lin, Xiangyan Meng, Elena Kukueva, Thomas Altantzis, Myrjam Mertens, SaraBals, Pegie Coola and Sabine Van Doorslaer. Direct-synthesis method towardscopper-containing periodic mesoporous organosilicas: detailed investigation ofthe copper distribution in the material,Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44,9970-9979.
2. Feng Lin, Xiangyan Meng, Elena Kukueva, Myrjam Mertens, Sabine Van Doorslaer,Sara Bals, Pegie Cool. New insights into the mesophase transformation ofethane-bridged PMOs by the influence of different counterions under basicconditions.RSC Advances,2015, 5, 5553-5562.
3. Feng Lin,Xiangyan Meng, Myrjam Mertens, Sabine Van Doorslaer, and Pegie Cool.Novel method to synthesis highly ordered ethane-bridged PMOs under mild acidicconditions: taking advantages of phosphoric acid.Microporous and MesoporousMaterials,2015, 207, 61-70.
4. IIdefonso Marin-Montesinos, Juan CarlosPaniagua, Marta Vilaseca, Ainhoa Urtizberea, Fernando Luis, Miguel Feliz,FengLin, Sabine Van Doorslaer, Miquel Pons. Self-assembled trityl radicalcapsules. Implications for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.Physical ChemistryChemical Physics, 2015, 17, 5785-5794
5. Feng Lin, Xiangyan Meng, Pegie Cool, Sabine Van Doorslaer. Probingframework-guest interactions in benzene-bridged periodic mesoporousorganosilica using spin-probe EPR.PhysicalChemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 22623-22631.
6. Feng Lin, Myrjam Mertens, Pegie Cool, Sabine Van Doorslaer. Influence of synthesis conditions onproperties of ethanebridged periodic mesoporous organosilica materials asrevealed by spin-probe EPR.Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C, 2013, 117 (44), 22723-22731.
7. Baojian Shen, Zhengxing Qin, XionghouGao,Feng Lin, Shuge Zhou., Wen Shen, Baojie Wang, Hongjuan Zhao,Honghai Liu, Desilication by alkaline treatment and increasing the silica toalumina ratio of zeolite Y.Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 33(1), 152-163
8. Zhengxing Qin, Baojian Shen, XionghouGao,Feng Lin, Baojie Wang, Chunming Xu, Mesoporous Y zeolite withhomogeneous aluminum distribution obtained by sequentialdesilication–dealumination and its performance in the catalytic cracking ofcumene and 1,3,5-triisopropylbenzene.Journal of Catalysis, 2011, 278 (2),266-275.